Thursday, April 30, 2009


A few posts back, I mentioned that I made a Twitter. I was only going to use it for things related to the blog or news on the girls, but I also want to make it personal as well. Thanks to those who have followed me already and if you aren't, I would love it if you did!

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Anna + Diesel in LA

Here is a cute picture of Anna and her dog, Diesel, in Los Angeles! Click for the full image!

Thanks Ashley!

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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swedbank Credit Cards + Videos

First off, I just wanted to apologize for not updating in a while. I was sick this past week, and had a really busy weekend!

Swedbank has new photos of Janet and Kim for credit card options and there are also some cute videos up! To see the new images, click on Sätt igäng.

Thanks Ashley for the info!

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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

PLAY Photobucket

Hey Lisa! I really miss your gallery of Play pictures and I know you have so many. I've been searching the net and I barely ever find any! Would you consider putting up a gallery of all their pics?

As per request, I have created a Photobucket to store old images of Play (official, in concert, television appearance caps, etc.) in. I know there aren't really any sites up anymore where we can find these things, so I'm going through my files and uploading some stuff I still have saved.

Enjoy! I will try to add new (old) images daily! And who knows, maybe a few that have never been on the site before as well. :)

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Sunday, April 19, 2009

New Images

Thanks to Ashley for these photos of Janet. Click for full size.

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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Training Tips from Peter Siepen

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The Cover-Up

I think I may have posted this video already, but here it is again just in case!

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Friday, April 10, 2009

Janet Sings Her Favorite Songs

In one of the newer videos on, Janet talks about a few of her favorite songs and even sings a little bit of them.

There is also a new video of Janet and Kim performing live at Oskarsgalan. Click here to view it.

Thanks Ashley for the info!

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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Another Modeling Photo

This picture was posted as a comment to one of Anna's modeling photos a few entries down, but I wanted to make a new post for anyone who does not read the comments / has not seen it.

Thanks so much to Katrina for posting the picture!

*I actually spoke to Anna yesterday for a little bit: she sounds very happy and said she is doing great in LA (loves the nice weather there!) but she misses New York. Hopefully, sometime soon, there will be some more news about her and what she has been doing, so please keep checking back! :)

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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Absolute Music 60

"Let Go" is part of the 46 hits that are featured on Absolute Music 60's double CD! Congratulations Janet! Click the picture below to check out the official site and more about the album.

Hope you enjoyed my little art work on the picture, haha. ;)

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Saturday, April 4, 2009

"Keep It On the Low"

Printz Board of the Black Eyed Peas helped to write Janet's song, "Keep It On the Low." Janet recorded the song when she was 16! Check out this video of Printz speaking about Janet and see her in the studio. You can also hear part of the song, though it sounds different from the album version!

Thanks Ashley!

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MQ - Go Your Own Way

I was on Youtube and found this video of Fanny. It's not new, but I have never seen it before, so I figured I would post it!

Thanks to AllAboutFaye on Youtube!

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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Baby Video has added the most adorable video of Janet when she was a baby!

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