I've understood theres been quite a lot of confusion out here these last couple of days.
I feel like I want to say a few words and try to clear things up regarding the reason why I choose not to continue working with the group this year. Play was an amazing journey and I have the best memories from our Play times.
I've been through so much with these girls right by my side and they will always mean alot to me.
These last couple of years I've written a lot of songs on my own.
These songs are telling the stories about all that has been and about my hopes and my dreams for the future.
My main aim and dream today is to let these songs see the light of day and get them released and with a little luck they soon will.
I don't wanna be a modest person so this is what I need to do.
I need to at least try to walk that line and this is what I would have told you to do, if you would have asked me.
I'm so proud of the fact that I've been a part of Play and I'm proud of having people like you supporting us.
Let's all continue to support Fanny, Janet, Anna, Sanne and Anais in their future projects and wish them the very best of luck.
Cause I know that I will!
News, questions, comments? Email me - lisaplaymania@aol.com