First of all I would like to say how wonderful it feels being able to find so many of you still here at Play-mania.com. You are all so dedicated and caring – I am truly touched to find that your love and devotion to this group still lives on after so many years of silence. It is regretful having to start off our reunion with such confusion and ambivalence regarding the members in this group after having spent so much time away from the music scene and all of you fans. Especially when we are so happy and excited to do all of this again.
It’s hard having to break this long silence and to face all of these emotions. Please hear us when we say that it was NEVER our intention that anyone would get hurt or feel betrayed. We have always been loyal to all of you fans and it absolutely breaks our hearts to hear you so upset.
Three years ago we decided to give PLAY another go – the four of us original members. Mathew Knowles flew us to London to make sure we were ready, totally devoted and mature to start again. Anna did not join us due to other projects in the US. At that point me, Faye and Rosie decided that it was best for the group to let Anna focus on her own career. All three of us agreed that the group needs to comes first, prior to all other projects. Each of us needs to gives this a 100% and more. We can not let this group come in second place. We do not blame her and understand that she has to take care of the career she has built but we feel that now that we are going to restart this group we need to make it our first and only priority. With Anna having worked hard on her own career for 5-6 years in the US and the three of us (Me, Faye & Rosie) getting an offer based in Sweden we felt this was the only way to go. Faye did call Anna to talk everything through and let her know how we felt. We truly wish Anna all the best with her career.
And please all of you – don’t judge Sanne – She is the sweetest girl, amazingly talented and has absolutely nothing to do with all of this. I think everyone deserves a chance.
Rosie will leave her own statement but all I can say for now is that she decided a couple of weeks ago to go solo and focus on her own career. No hard feelings – we support her to a 100%!
I wanna thank you for being so loyal to each individual in this group and I want to remind you all that Play – from beginning to end – is nothing without you. Thank you so much.
News, questions, comments? Email me - lisaplaymania@aol.com